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Unique design curtain for home decorate –

Most of the Indian people paint new in their house in the festival of Diwali, clean the house properly and most of the people change the old curtains of their house and put new curtains in their place and decorate the house well.

And why not decorate it, after all, Diwali is a traditional and happy festival for Indians.

Today we are presenting some different types of curtains for you, which you will like very much and maybe you have not even seen such curtains before.


Whether the curtains are in the bedroom, in the hall or in the drawing room, unless there is a good looking curtain, then there is some lack in decorating the house, although people also use lights a lot in Diwali to decorate the house. People decorate the house very beautifully with many types of threads / skirting, but at the same time they should also take care of the curtains of their house, what kind of curtain should be placed at which place 


Why choose old plain fabric curtains when you can combine the two? With it, not only do you get more privacy, but you can also create a nice contrast by choosing contrasting colors for the blinds and curtains. This contrast helps to draw your attention to the window and the view outside.

If you are going for the traditional style, then pleated curtains are your best bet. These curtains are usually made from thick, heavy fabrics.
Pinch pleated (or tailored pleat) curtains are the most popular type of pleated curtains. The pleats are stitched and pinned at the top, allowing the folds of the fabric to flow down and create an elegant, formal look.
Pinch pleat curtains range from two-finger pleats to five-finger pleats. More pleats give a fuller look to the curtain. Three-finger pleats (pictured above) are the most common type of pinched pleated curtain.

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